
The power of a tiny change in how we represent men and women through art is fascinating.  Something as simple as the placement of large hoop earrings on a masculine lumberjack can seem so out of place. Society places great importance on what is considered inherently male or female; however, life is not so black and white.


Blurring the lines between genders in my artwork allows me to explore and challenge these steadfast notions of male and female.  The female figure saturates art and is often used and abused in many art forms. I choose to draw predominately male or androgynous figures, placing them in clothing and situations that society has deemed to be feminine. The female figure seems to be fair game when it comes to art – place a male in the same position and you will get a completely different reaction.  I am compelled to draw beautiful images that contrast our ideas of what male/masculinity is with how women are portrayed within art and society as a whole.


Using pencils and musical inspiration I create concepts that not only encourage people to question their gender beliefs, but entertain them. Erotic and playful, each piece is inspired by the colours and feelings that music can create in us. Certain tones will trigger distinct colours and the general drone of a song will have a weight to it that will either be atmospheric or item/texture specific - high pitched electronic sounds are shiny and sparkly where as thumping bass is rubbery and liquid like.


My work is an examination of us as humans, as participants, voyeurs, followers and change-makers. Life is what we make it, so why not add glitter?